Note to Our Readers:

You have come to the right place to broadcast your opinions, your proposed solutions, and your evaluation of our effectiveness. And it all depends on you! Do you sense there is anything wrong with you, your loved ones, your community, or your leaders? Where have you failed? Who has failed you, and how and why? Most of the time most of us live willy-nilly and don't feel the full weight of catastrophes until it is too late. How do you assess your community, local government, your elected leaders, their policies? Or, on a personal level, what have you suffered and endures that are not your fault? How did all this happened and why? Did you get sick and lose your job? How do you reconcile now with all your plans? Did your standard of living suddenly deteriorate? How to prevent all this from happening is the question for all of us. The wisdom is that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure? Do we still have that autonomy or have everything slipped from our hands and our control? We are asked you, dear reader, to send us your story in prose or poetic format. Tell us about your hardship or struggles and how you gained the necessary insights to deal with them. Perhaps you found a solution? Let us know. Let us know what particular struggles and at what point they are for you to improve your quality of life. What has been hindering you? How can you achieve self-understanding and ways to better yourself, your family and loved ones, and all of the community that you are a part of this communal pledge. Most importantly, if you have ideas and insights into social dysfunctions, we would like to hear your story and advice. You can write to us and submit work, either nonfiction in terms of insights, real incidents, and testimonials (the real) and also you can submit literary works of poetry and fiction that capsulates those insights we need to enhance the quality of life for everyone. In other works, we are your secretary and spokesmen. You are in charge. Thank you for your contribution in advance.
